Powertool System

The UK's most trusted Forensic Security Marking System for your Powertools.


Why fit it?

The Datatag system gives true confirmation of ownership with registration specific to you

  • Acts as a true deterrent to theft
    (thieves will generally target assets that don’t have Datatag fitted)
  • Aids the Police in recovery and importantly identification of asset ownership
    (tools are heavily targeted and thousands are stolen each year with many never returned to their rightful owners - a Datatag system can overcome this by providing undeniable proof through numerous ID technologies)

Unique benefits of having the system installed on your 4x4 / Car

  • Lifetime protection / One low cost / NO hidden or monthly fees
    (the Datatag technologies never ‘wear out’ meaning your tools are always protected and Datatag does not have any subscription so the one off cost is the only thing you’ll have to pay for)
  • Easy transfer of ownership
    (one simple form is all it takes for a new owner to amend the asset record with Datatag and their secure database, accessible to police 24/7, is updated)

System Contents:

  • Datadots
  • Tamper Evident Identification Warning Label with scannable QR Code

What is it?

The typical commercial equipment insurance policy may help to pay for a new drill or power saw if it is stolen from you, but nothing compensates for the amount of time you'll have to spend replacing these items - not to mention the stress associated with them being taken in the first place.

By the time you have dealt with the insurance company's automated telephone system, given all the relevant details to the Police and then spent a day trawling around town for replacement goods, you'll wish you had fitted Datatag in the first place.

Buying 5 or more systems? Buy a DIY or Trade bundle and save!

The Datatag system consists of multi-layered security marking technologies which in combination are designed to deter theft and also provide irrefutable proof of ownership.

Once thieves see the Datatag warning decals on your tools they usually go looking for an easier target as they realise that being caught red-handed with Datatagged property means they will be prosecuted.

System contains;

  • Tamper evident visible ID plates
  • Datadot® microdot security system

Easy to install and simple online registration Datatag helps to stop your tools being stolen and helps police identify owners when recovered.

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(use Promo Code 'DATVAL15’ at checkout - ends midnight 16/02/25)


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