Limited edition BSB Datatag Motorcycle security and registration system - A unique layered approach to crime prevention and asset identification. This system is supplied with a unique one-off-design of the domed resin warning decal to deter theft.
PLEASE NOTE: Many UK motorcycles come with Datatag fitted as standard from new or may have had the system fitted by a previous keeper. Please check that your motorcycle DOES NOT already have a system fitted before buying a new one. To check if your bike is fitted with a Datatag system, please call our contact center on 0345 070 0440.
System Contents:
The Datatag motorcycle identification system has been in use since April 1992 and there are currently over 500,000 motorcycles protected by Datatag in the UK alone. The theft rate on these protected machines is less than a 10th of the rate seen before Datatag was developed and because of the growing number of 'tagged' machines now around the whole theft picture for bikes has changed for the better.
Based around electronic and totally unique RFID transponders that provide an electronic ‘finger print’ to key components the system also uses ‘stealth’ UV etching and includes hundreds of Datadots® with forensic DNA embedded in the adhesive for minor components.
There are no annual fees or charges when fitting Datatag and when you come to sell your motorcycle you’ll find that the Datatag registration can be easily transferred to the new owner.