4x4 / Car System

The UK's most trusted Forensic Security Marking System for your 4x4 / Car.


What is it?

The Datatag system consists of multi-layered security marking technologies which in combination are designed to deter theft and also provide irrefutable proof of ownership. Even if  criminals remove the visible warning identifications they will never be able to find and remove all the covert technologies hidden around the vehicle.

System contains;

  • Visible and stealth identification technology marks your whole 4x4 / Car

Easy to install and simple online registration Datatag helps to stop your 4x4 / Car (especially Land Rover Defenders) being stolen and stripped for parts.

Why fit it?

The Datatag system gives true confirmation of ownership with registration specific to you

  • Acts as a true deterrent to theft
    (thieves will generally target 4x4 / Cars that don’t have Datatag fitted)
  • Aids the Police in recovery and importantly identification of vehicle ownership
    (4x4s, especially Land Rover Defenders, are heavily targeted and hundreds are stolen each year with many never returned to their rightful owners - a Datatag system can overcome this by providing undeniable proof through numerous ID technologies)

Unique benefits of having the system installed on your 4x4 / Car

  • Lifetime protection / One low cost / NO hidden or monthly fees
    (the Datatag technologies never ‘wear out’ meaning your 4x4 is always protected and Datatag does not have any subscription so the one off cost is the only thing you’ll have to pay for))
  • Easy transfer of ownership
    (one simple form is all it takes for a new owner to amend the vehicle record with Datatag and their secure database, accessible to police 24/7, is updated 

System Contents:
    •    UV Stencils
    •    UV Etch Fluid
    •    Warning Decals
    •    Datadots with DNA
    •    Glass Transponders
    •    Self-Adhesive Transponders
    •    Rear Window Warning Decal
    •    Side Window Warning Decals

4x4 Theft Problem

4x4 auto theft is a major problem. Often Police cannot identify stolen vehicles or stripped parts because the original manufacturers serial numbers have been deleted, changed or cloned making it impossible to prove theft, prosecute the thief and return the vehicle to the true keeper.

Market leading Datatag have been successfully combating this problem for years and have developed one of the most powerful theft deterrents available using state of the art identification technologies that are virtually impossible to remove, change or clone. This Thatcham approved system is probably the most sophisticated security marking systems ever developed to deter theft and defeat the criminals.

A Lifetime's protection for just one low cost with NO monthly charges or fees.

Our state-of-the-art stealth identification technology will not deface your vehicle. The Datatag security and identification 4x4 system has been specifically designed for Land Rovers and other 4x4 makes. Datatag have successfully deterred auto theft and helped to stop vehicles being stolen and stripped for their parts or cloned and sold on to unsuspecting buyers.

4x4 Defender Crime - The Real Truth

The older the car, the more likely it is to be stolen!

Regardless of age, the Land Rover Defender is a prized vehicle, not only by owners. Thieves love them too.

According to a recent survey,* the Defender is the UK's 4th most stolen vehicle and in some parts of the UK, thefts of Defenders is reaching epidemic proportions. Police believe that most Defenders are stolen to order and then broken for parts, or rapidly exported in containers, meaning that the chance of seeing your cherished vehicle again is very slim at best. According to the British Crime Survey, the average cost incurred by a victim of car theft is £2,345 with an additional £347 due to the goods inside the car at the time  of it being stolen.

Don't let your Defender go un-defended this year; protect it from attack from thieves with the new Datatag 4x4 Security System. A proven deterrent to theft, the Datatag 4x4 Security System uniquely marks the essential components and parts of your vehicle with multiple layers of cutting edge technologies to make your Defender easily and quickly identifiable - even if its in bits!

Thatcham, Home Office and Police CPI Approved, Datatag is the ultimate 4x4 theft deterrent.

*Source: Tracker Stolen Vehicle Survey

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